Pravancy Policy

RP Infratech Enterprises .


This pravancy policy of RP Infratech Enterprises is describes our policies and the producter on the collection use and desclosur of your information when you use the service and tell you about your privancy rights and how the law protects you.

We use the personal data to provied and improve the service. By useing the service, we agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this privancy policy.


👉 • Interpretation and Difinition.

👉• Interpretation

The words of which the initialetter capitalized have meaning defined under the following conditions.

The following definition shall have the same meaning regardless whether they appear singular or plural.



For this perpose of the privancy policy.

• You means the individual accessing or using the services, or the company RP Infratech Enterprises, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual the accessing or using the services as applicable.

Company/Industries (referred to as either "the Company/We/Us/Our" in this agreements.) refered to RP Infratech Enterprises.

Affiliate means an entity that controls, is controlled by or is under common controlled with a third party, where controlled means Ownership of 50% or more of the share.

Account means an unique Account created for you to access Our service or part of Our service.

Website reffered to RP Infratech Enterprises,  Accesseble from

Service refres to the Website.

Country refers to India.

Service provider means any natural or legal persons who process the data on behalf of the Company.

Third Party/Social media Service refres to the any website or any social network website to through which a user can login or creat an account to use the service.

• Personal data indentified to any information that related to identified or indentiable indivudual.

• Uses data refers to data collected autometically, either generated by the use of the service from the service Infrastructure itself (for Example, the duration of a visite page).


👉• Disclouser Our Personal Data Business Transictions.

👉•Personal Data

While useing our services, we may ask you to provid us certain personlly identifiable information that can be use to cantect or identify you, RP Infratech Enterprises Personally identifiable information may incluid. 

But is not limited to :

• Email Address.

• Address,State,Zip/postal code,city etc.

• Uses Data.

If the Company RP Infratech Enterprises is invalved in a marger, acquisition or assest sale, your personal data may be transfered.

 We will provide before your personal data is transfered and becomes to subject to privancy policy.


👉 • Law emforcement.

Under certains circumastance, the Company RP Infratech Enterprises  may be required disclose your personal data if required to do so by law or in responce to valid requests by publice authority (e.g. a court or a goverment agency).


👉• Other legal requirments.

The company RP Infratech Enterprises  may disclose your personal data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to.

• Company with a legal Obligation.

• Protect and defined the rights or Property of the Company.

• Privants or the investigate possible wrong doing in connection with the service.

• protect the personal sefty of users of the service or the public.

• Protect the other legal liability.


 ðŸ‘‰• Security of your Personal Data.

The security of your personal data is importent to us, but remember that RP Infratech Enterprises  have no method of transmission Over the internet or method of electronic stroage is 100% secure. 

While we stricve to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal data, we cannot gaurenty its absolute security.

Detailed Information on the processing of your data.

Service provider have acess to your personal Data only to perform their task on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other.


 ðŸ‘‰ • Children's Privancy.

Our services does not adress under the age of 18th. We do not knowingly correct personality identifiable information anyone under the age of 18th.

 If you are a parent and gardian and you are aware that children has provid with us personal data please contect us. 

If we become aware that we have collected the personal data from anone under the age of 18th without verification of parentel consent, we take step to remove that information of our servers.

We also may limit also how we collect, use and store some of the information Users between 15th and 18th years old.

 In some cases, this means we will be unable to provied certain functionality of the server of these users.

If we use to rarly consent as a legal basis for processing your information and you county requires consent fron parent. 

We may requir your parent's consent before we collect and use that information.


👉 • Link to other websites.

Our services may contian link to other websites that are not opreted with us.

 If you click on the third party link, you will be directed to that third party's site. 

We strongly advise you to review the privency policy of every site you visit.

We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privency policies or practices of any third party site or services.


👉 • Changes to this Privency policy.

We may update our privency policy time to time. We will notify you of any changes posting by new privency plicy on this page.

 We will let you know via email or a provinent notice on our service, prerior to that becoming the effective and update the "lest update" date at Top of this privency policy. 

You are advised to review the privency policy periodically for any changes. 

Changes to this privency policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

👉 • Contect us.

If you have any question about privency policy or or sites, you can contect us on , (RP Infrastructure team always active to help/reply to your inquary).


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